Sunday, January 31, 2010

Today is now Shevat 17....this month is already half over. Why am I always amazed? Time is passing so almost makes one's head spin.

I feel as thought I am losing control. Do you? There was a Word from Adonai the other day that really spoke to me......"In these days your decisions will take on greater significance, and your choices will be as seeds sown that will produce a harvest of greater magnitude that you have previously ever experienced. It is, therefore to your advantage to choose according to MY wisdom. It is vital in this season that you draw near to Me, that yu walk in truth and humility, and that you exercise the utmost integrity in all that you think, say and do, says the LORD. Ask for wisdom, and be wise."

You see, sometimes we do before we ask and then calamity befalls us and we scratch our heads and say, "I knew I should have prayed about this." Then there are times we are in a situation and we actually do pray but we go on our feelings...the feelings that tell us that 'this way' is the right way or the 'right thing to do'...maybe it comes into our heads that it is the 'Christian thing' to do.

I am learning that those feelings are not of our Elohim. He has a voice and He speaks to us but we must listen...we must learn to hear HIM. We MUST know His Voice!

"Be still and listen!
Do you hear the sound of My Voice calling to you.......'Come to Me'.
I wish to have fellowship with you. Do you sense the stirring in your spirit....a shift in desire causing a very subtle but gentle awakening?
Put aside the noise of circumstance and busyness and allow your yearning heart to be fulfilled in sweet communion."

"Watch for the enemy to try and gain access by provokiing you through agrivation. Refuse to allow the devil to have any control over you whatsoever. When irritation presents itself, be slow to anger and quick to forgive. Division is an effective weapon against you. Rise up and resist every temptation that would lead to sin in your heart. Be strong and courageous against every power of darkness.

Be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger...because anger does no produce the righteousness of Elohim YHWH. James 1:19-20

Beloveds, we must understand that great shakings are going on...not just earthquakes...but shakings in our lives. So much tribulations, misery, distress, much. We feel defeated but just as I was told...I will say to you...there are things in our lives that need to be redeemed! These are things that must be either transformed from flesh to spirit or be removed all together!
There are things of the flesh that must be brought under submission. This cannot be done half heartedly but must be done with perseverence and with much fasting and prayer."

"You must not think you are defeated.....this is a lie. You are not defeated!

Circumstances and attitudes can make one believe defeat. The enemy will set you up and will try and make you fall but you do not have to let this happen. You are stronger than this!

Remember what I say...when someone asks you to do something or believe something...what do I say? Before you turn left...did I say turn left? Did I say turn right?

Walk My Way! Talk My Way! Now quiet yourself and know that I am your Elohim.

There is too much noise. Noise is not just can be distractions. Do not listen to the noise...listen to Me..hear My voice.

You must listen to me and do as I want you to do. Do not be led into anything not of me.
You MUST use discernment in all things. Do not think you have to do something because it is the right thing to do. Do not be pressured. Quiet yourself. Do not be so occupied with things. Open yourself up to Me. Let Me in!

Distractions will soon increase but you must hear Me. Hear Me!"

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