Monday, September 28, 2009

This Day of Atonement

Yom Kippur Tishrei 10, 5770

This Day of Atonement....I have been tired all day. I did not have my coffee fix....the caffein boost that keeps me going all through the day. No food..nothing. The food...I don't miss it so much because I fast from food often although you would never know this to look at me.

What is this day all about? Why am I doing this?
Because our YHWH Elohim tells us to do so. Oh He didn't say WE are to fast and pray but there is no Great Temple where the High Priest would leave behind all the vanities of, drink, sex, washing, the wearing of leather...and he would enter into a "timeless and placeless realm".

For the High Priest "prayer was a hazerd, a venture of peril".
Why? Because the entrance into the Holy of Holies was a perilous journey. A rope was tied to his feet and with the bells jingleing at the bottom of his robe, he would be translated into the Great Place by YHWH. If he was found worthy...the offering was accepted...if not...his bells would no longer be heard and he would be dragged back into this unacceptable sacrifice.

But now, we are the sacrifice. We surrender everything in prayer. Upon this altar of prayer we place our lives and face our death.

"Standing between life and death in the Holy of Holies...this place of the Between...our priorities are transformed."

Yom Kippur introduces us to our own death. It is to remind us of what will be understand that life is precious and we should live it to the fullest. Not in vain chasing of everything the world has to offer but in the blessings attained by following the Way of YHWH Elohim through the Salvation of Yeshua HaMashiach and in the power of Ruach HaKodesh.

I pray this day has been a blessing to has to me. I have seen the food, no drink, none of the things I am so accustomed to....may we all see this and strive to live our lives according to His will and not ours.

As always I want only the best for you.
With love to you in and through Yeshua...His Amma(servant, gloria

" "from Rabbi Shefa Gold

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