Monday, September 28, 2009

This Day of Atonement

Yom Kippur Tishrei 10, 5770

This Day of Atonement....I have been tired all day. I did not have my coffee fix....the caffein boost that keeps me going all through the day. No food..nothing. The food...I don't miss it so much because I fast from food often although you would never know this to look at me.

What is this day all about? Why am I doing this?
Because our YHWH Elohim tells us to do so. Oh He didn't say WE are to fast and pray but there is no Great Temple where the High Priest would leave behind all the vanities of, drink, sex, washing, the wearing of leather...and he would enter into a "timeless and placeless realm".

For the High Priest "prayer was a hazerd, a venture of peril".
Why? Because the entrance into the Holy of Holies was a perilous journey. A rope was tied to his feet and with the bells jingleing at the bottom of his robe, he would be translated into the Great Place by YHWH. If he was found worthy...the offering was accepted...if not...his bells would no longer be heard and he would be dragged back into this unacceptable sacrifice.

But now, we are the sacrifice. We surrender everything in prayer. Upon this altar of prayer we place our lives and face our death.

"Standing between life and death in the Holy of Holies...this place of the Between...our priorities are transformed."

Yom Kippur introduces us to our own death. It is to remind us of what will be understand that life is precious and we should live it to the fullest. Not in vain chasing of everything the world has to offer but in the blessings attained by following the Way of YHWH Elohim through the Salvation of Yeshua HaMashiach and in the power of Ruach HaKodesh.

I pray this day has been a blessing to has to me. I have seen the food, no drink, none of the things I am so accustomed to....may we all see this and strive to live our lives according to His will and not ours.

As always I want only the best for you.
With love to you in and through Yeshua...His Amma(servant, gloria

" "from Rabbi Shefa Gold

Saturday, September 26, 2009

"Get back....Move forward"


My dear ones...I am having such a hard time getting my words together! I have started writing a few times but it is as though I have a block. Oh yes, I have heard of 'writers block' but this is not like that because I am not a writer...well...I am in a way because I only want to write what our Elohim puts upon my heart. Oh yes, I have wrote some crazy things in the about the Barbie feet...but it was funny.....ok?

No, it is this season we are in. I have so many things going in my head, swirling around, so many things that must be said. I know that I talk a lot about the pagan holidays but this is so important....if you say you believe in Elohim..G-d....or you are a Christian and you have been saved ny the blood of Jesus...Yeshua....COME OUT OF THE PAGAN! It is very important!

Our Elohim made it very clear He did not want any who follow His way to falter and be in any kind of pagan worship. Do not bow down to graven images. " who would be doing that?" Ummm...let's see...millians each day bow down to an image of Jesus or mary or saints. Millions all over the world have images of gods and goddesses...its all the same...graven images!

And I have gone over the pagan, Easter, halloween, lent...ALL THESE ARE PAGAN. Then add to it ALL the holidays of islam, Buddism, Hinduism and any other religion other than the true Way of our Elohim.

"Boy, Gloria, you sure don't leave any room for anyone else to believe the way they want!" Well, no I don't because there is ONLY ONE TRUE WAY!

WE are in the season of repentance. No, this doesn't mean it is the ONLY time...He is always ready for us to repent and ask forgivenes of our sins but this is a very intense time. Today is Shabbat Shauva or Sabbath of Repentance. It is the Sabbath before Yom Kippur. Yom Kippur is tomorrow evening at sunset till the next evening at sunset. Is there something bothering you? Do things seem to be over powering you? This is the season of new beginings. Repent...put the past behind you and start a new.

But look at this......this Shabbat is also called Shabbat Teshuvah.

"It takes its name from the period we are currently in, between Rosh Hashona and Yom Kippur, known as the Ten Days of Teshuvah. Teshuvah is often incorrectly translated as penitence or repentance which, while giving some idea of what Teshuvah is about, tends to conjure up a very stark image of a 'sinner' who needs to 'repent' etc.

Judaism looks at it differently. The literal translation of Teshuvah is 'return'. This is because Judaism teaches us that humanity is intrinsically good and that if we should happen to stray from the path once in a while, this does not make us wicked or evil. It is simply a question of acknowledging our failings, gathering our bearings and returning to the right path, from whence we came. Teshuvah is the process of returning to the ideal which we originally and intrinsically possess. A much more positive way of looking at things than is suggested by the word 'penitence'.

This period, between Rosh Hashona (the New Year) and Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement) is a time for introspection, for reflection on the past and for taking on good resolutions for the future, to improve and to grow over the new year which has just started on Rosh Hashona, to return to our roots, to G- d and to ourselves.

So, while this season is about searching ourselves and repenting, He is asking us to return to Him. Put away the foolish things and follow Him."

Hoshea 14:2...Take words with you and return to YHWH. Say to Him, "Forgive all guilt, and accept what is good; we will pay instead of bulls (the offerings of) our lips."

10....Let the wise understand these things and let the discerning know them. For the ways of YHWH are straight , and the righteous walk in them, but in them sinners stumble.

Mikah 7:18-20...Who is an El like you...taking away crookedness and passing over transgression of remnant of His inheritance? He shall not retain His wrath forever, for He Himself delights in kindness. He shall turn back. He shall have compassion on us. he shall trample upon our crookedness! And You throw all our sins into the depths of the sea! You give truth to Yaakov , kindness to Avraham, which you swore to our fathers from the days of old.

Take hold of this season.....He is saying "Get back....Move forward"

In other words...Get Back to the true faith....then Move Forward in Him.

YHWH Elohim..our Father, is loving and kind but He is also stern in desiring our obedience to Him. He desires us to live in His principles..His Torah. In Torah is righteousness.
Come into the Light of Torah today.

Yeshua..the Word...Torah.

He is the Light of the world.

As always I love you and want only the best for you.
With love to you in and through Yeshua our Savior and soon coming King....His Amma (servant), gloria

Monday, September 14, 2009

YHWH Is With You

Elul 25, 5769

Oh my friends it has been a beautiful day in my little part of the world! The sun has been shining and I listened to a bird outside my back door singing. It was so wondeerful!

I have tried to write a blog for quite awhile but just couldn't seem to get the words to write. I started two..but was stopped cold. Maybe He will allow me to finish them at a later day, He has done that before.

I am very excited that the Fall Feasts are almost here. Daughter Jess and I are excited because it will mean the begining of Torah studies again and there is always so much to learn from Torah!

I am very thankful today because we have had answered prayer. My granddaughters, Aletha and Arrin, have been without healtcare insurance for a while because thier dad, Less has refused to put them on his military insurance. I have prayed hard about this and I know how our Father feels about the mistreatment of the girls. Maria found out today that we can go to Ft. Leavenworth and get temporary identity cards for the girls so they can go to the PX and the Commissary and they are fully covered now by Tri-Care Military insurance. Praise ADONAI! We are not wasting any time...we are going tomorrow morning!

Less will have 30 days to respond to Jagg then they will contact his Commanding Officer. He is going to have to stand up and be a man and father and take some responsibility for his daughters.

I praise You OH YHWH Elohim! I praise Your Holy Name! Kadosh! Kadosh! Kadosh!

These past days have been, for me, a time of seeking to find out things about myself. I keep hearing over and over agin..."Get back. Move forward!"

It seems that I am instructed to look back and see where I was....sometimes we do this and see that we have "come a long way baby to get where we got to today" and that is truth but I also see that I have stayed in the same place...or at least it seems so.

When I started this journey I was nowhere and I was seeking Him with fervor. I ate, drank, lived and slept the Word. I studied all the time. seeking His truth. Elohim was my teacher. He still IS my teacher. He ministered to me constantly. He showed me His power..His compassion..His love for me.

Let me tell you one story...I love the group 'Second Chapter of Acts' and one song was so powerful to me and spoke of Him singing over us with love. I knew it had to be in the Bible. I did search after search but I just could not seem to find it. Then one day I was at Wal Mart, looking at the greeting cards. I reached and took one...and as I read it I was amazed...I was overcome with the reality of His love towards me...
the song said "He will shelter us under His wings and sing over us' I was looking at this card..I don't remember what the verse said, although I bought the card and have it somewhere....the scripture was Zephaniah 3:17......"YHWH your Elohim is with you, He is mighty to save. He rejoices over you with joy, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing."

He has been my guide to all that I have learned. His instructions to me were to let Him be my teacher and to glean at the feet of others. To use discernment at all times.
I have done this...searching the internet for teachings...buying books that would further my walk with Him On His Path...His Way.

I am reaching back, searching the pages of my notes to see where I once is as though when I get back to where I was....I will move forward...far beyond this place I am at right now. I know I must move forward...we all must move forward because of what is ahead of us.

We are in perilous times and they are getting worse. We have to get ourselves ready....we have to be positioned for what ever comes our way.

I watched a video about the coming seemed so unreal to know that after all the years of hearing about these days, we are actually in them and the horrors are about to begin. I thought about the Muslims and their desire to take control of the world. As we are waiting for Yeshua to return and the Jews are waiting for Messiah...the Muslims are waiting for their al Mahde. It is said he will reign for seven years. Seven years? Hmmmmm...sounds familiar.

At this I think about a dream/vision I had about the endtimes. There was a vast area.....hundreds and hundreds of people were there...and also there were men in black clothes with black hooded things over their heads...and they had scythes and were beheading all the people. I have perceived these men as Muslim.

I also think about Daughter Jess' dream...the two constellations....the one above, representing the Father that was filled with wrath and overflowing into the constellation below, which represented Yeshua, Who was catching all the the overflow. But it was almost time for Him to let go and then He would no longer be able to hold it back.

These are days of sometimes having feelings of dread, of depression, of not feeling worthy...but we have One Who wants to help us through these times and get back on track......."YHWH your Elohim is with you, He is mighty to save. He rejoices over you with joy, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing."